If you want to write for a living, you need to understand the opportunities.

Hi, I’m Mindy.

I’m a writer-turned-editor who helps individuals like you achieve their dreams of getting paid to write.

But the dream goes beyond the writing, because in this world you get to call all the shots—from the types of projects you write to the topics you write about to the companies you write for.

Not only that, but you do it when and from wherever you please.

People come to me because they have goals such as…

      • Leaving an unfulfilling job
      • Doubling or tripling their income
      • Launching a career that offers more free time outside of working hours
      • Having more freedom to travel, and for longer amounts of time
      • Honing their gift of writing and getting to follow a long-held passion

Do you recognize any of these hopes in yourself?

I’m here to tell you that it’s doable — all of it.

I’ve seen these same dreams come true for many writers just like you. Not only that, but I shared that dream — and it’s come true for me in ways that stretch far beyond what I could’ve imagined for myself!

Now, here’s what I suspect about you…

Deep down, you know that you were born to be a writer.

Perhaps you took a side route, maybe into a career that felt right at the time but has left you unfulfilled and underpaid…

Maybe you’ve recently stepped into retirement and you’re looking for something rewarding to do with your time…

Or maybe you’re just starting out in the workforce but you don’t envy friends who have to contend with a boss and set hours.

Regardless of what brought you here, writing can be the engine that propels you forward and helps you achieve those long-held hopes and goals.

It’s a lucrative career, yes. But not intentionally so.

The truth is, as a writer you can make as much — or as little — as you please.

Maybe you want to replace your current income. You can.

Perhaps you’re looking for some extra travel money, or for an easy way to save for retirement or your kids’ college.

Or it could be you want to break the six-figure barrier. Completely possible — it took me three years to get there and I’ve been comfortable since.

But the value of life as a writer goes way beyond the money…

In reality, it brings you choice in everything.

As a professional writer, you have the choice as to how you spend your time, when and where you work, and what you work on.

The freedom is intoxicating. And a little unnerving, because it comes fast and there’s a lot of it.

I made the leap when I was just 26. At the time, I’d been dreaming of retirement…

Because the truth is I was in a safe, salaried job — the practical kind that makes old-school parents proud.

But I hated everything about it.

I fantasized about retiring and having my time to myself (but of course, with plenty of money!).

I’d always loved writing, but I’d never considered it a viable career.

Then I discovered AWAI…

Though I was skeptical at first, I cautiously began researching their programs on copywriting. I read up on life as a freelancer. I researched people who were already making a go of it.

And slowly, steadily, my doubts melted away and I went all in.

It was as if I’d discovered a hidden world of joy through writing.

I left my job as quickly as I could and hung out my shingle as a paid writer…

Only I had a lot to learn.

It’s not that it was a hard transition. It was just very different. Really, when you decide to enter into this lifestyle there’s a lot of letting go involved.

      • Letting go of your stereotypes of what writer are worth and what you can earn through writing…
      • Letting go of the path you thought you were supposed to take, or perhaps what other people told you to take…
      • And letting go of the way you’d been taught to communicate through words, because this type of writing — persuasive writing — is a far stretch from what your high school English teacher drilled you with.

When I let go of what I thought writing was supposed to be and embraced the concepts taught by AWAI, my income started to shoot up.

It took a solid three years for me to get the hang of thinking and acting like a persuasive writer, let alone writing like one…

But by year three, I hit the six-figure mark… and my income has only gone up from there.

More importantly, I’ve made valued, trusted contacts in the world of writing. I quickly realized the true engine behind successful writers is having a community that supports them come hell or highwater.

That’s how I discovered the Barefoot Writer Club, and I’m proud to have served in the role of Executive Editor for Barefoot Writer magazine for well over a decade now.

In the process of making these discoveries, I realized I had a gift.

Though I still love to roll up my sleeves and get lost in writing projects, I’m also able to spot real potential and connect up-and-coming writers to ideal, paid opportunities.

It’s the happy intersection between loving what you do (in this case, writing for a living) and helping others find that same joy.

Over the past few years, I’ve helped usher countless writers through our doors, many of whom have gone on to launch their own successful copywriting and content writing careers.

I’ve also connected with and interviewed over a hundred star authors, top copywriters, marketing geniuses, and even New York Times bestselling writers. That includes:

      • Ann Handley
      • Brian Clark
      • Bob Bly
      • Nick Usborne
      • Sandy Franks
      • Paul Hollingshead
      • Ryan Deiss
      • Mark Ford

They bring authenticity and genuine advice to the writing world.

I help share their stories and bring their guidance to life for the use and benefit of writers looking to follow their footsteps.

And I can help you do the same.

I show up-and-coming writers like you how to focus your goals, zero in on the best-fit writing opportunity, and then go for it.

I’m grateful to have shared this message with more than 50,000 new writers over the years.

So if you’ve been looking for a proven way to launch a safe, well-paid, and highly flexible writing career, I invite you to explore Barefoot Writer and discover the different ways you can write for clients.